SustainabilityAs a good corporate citizen
- Company
- Sustainability
- As a good corporate citizen
As a member of society, we are actively carrying out various initiatives, including thorough compliance, so that we can fulfill our responsibilities as a trustworthy company. In order to create a sustainable society where people can live active lives both now and in the future, we will also continue to help solve environmental and local issues through our products and services and the daily actions of each employee.
- By 2030Net zero greenhouse gas emissions from our plants and offices
- By 2050Carbon neutrality throughout the entire value chain
The Mitsubishi Electric Group aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from its plants and offices by 2030 as a mid-term target, and to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the entire value chain by 2050.
In addition to Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050, which is the Group’s long-term environmental management vision up to the year 2050, the Group has formulated an Environmental Plan every three years since 1993 that sets out specific activity targets and has been promoting various initiatives based thereon.
In response to this, Mitsubishi Electric Building Solutions is promoting energy and resource conservation together with our affiliates inside and outside Japan. Every year we also formulate our own environmental plan, helping to achieve a carbon-neutral society and a circular economy through our renewal and smart building businesses. We actively promote our initiatives based on those plans.
Our initiatives
- Reducing the
environmental impact
of business activities - Environmental
contribution through
products and services - Initiatives at Inazawa Building Systems Works
- Environmental audits
- Certification &
Reducing the environmental impact of business activities
Activity | Mitsubishi Electric Group KPIs | Example initiatives |
Reducing CO2 emitted from our company |
CO2 emission (Scopes 1 and 2*) |
Improvement in usage rate of renewable energy |
Improving the effective usage rate of plastic waste |
Effective usage rate of plastic waste (in Japan) |
- *Scope1:Direct emissions from fuel use and industrial processes at our company.
- *Scope2:Indirect emissions associated with use of electricity and heat purchased by our company.
Achieved the introduction of 100% renewable energy at our company and affiliates in Japan’s Chubu region
In April 2023, we succeeded in introducing 100% renewable energy at the plants and facilities of our company and affiliates in Japan located in the area under the jurisdiction of Chubu Electric Power. We have taken a major step towards achieving one of our mid-term targets for fiscal 2030 in a region with numerous business sites that use a large amount of electricity. We are working as a group to move forward with efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.
The introduction of renewable energy proceeds at sites outside Japan
Mitsubishi Elevator Europe B.V., a Netherlands-based company that manufactures, sells, installs, maintains and renews elevators, has been using 100% renewable energy derived from wind power generation since 2016. In addition, Mitsubishi Electric de Colombia Ltda. (Colombia) uses hydroelectric power generation, Mitsubishi Elevator Asia Co., Ltd. (Thailand) uses solar power generation, and PT. Mitsubishi Jaya Elevator and Escalator (Indonesia) uses geothermal power generation—renewable forms of energy—and are working to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the entire value chain by 2050.
Environmental contribution through products and services
Activity | Mitsubishi Electric Group KPIs | Example initiatives |
Expanding our contribution to CO2 reduction with new products | Improvement rate of new products over previous models |
Reducing resource inputs | Improvement rate in resource inputs over previous models (better than previous models) |
Contributing to the environment through elevator renewals and our ZEB business
Renewing to new elevators increases user safety, security, and comfort while also improving the energy efficiency of the building. Additionally, making buildings ZEB (net Zero Energy Buildings)*1 contributes to the realization of a carbon-neutral society.
Environmental contribution amounts from elevator renewals and ZEB business (Results in Japan)
FY2023 results | Cumulative total | |
Renewals | 1,000 t-CO2*2 | 12,600 t-CO2 (Since FY2013) |
ZEB | 1,600 t-CO2 | 9,900 t-CO2 (Since FY2017) |
*1.Buildings that combine energy conservation and energy creation to achieve zero net energy consumption.
Mitsubishi Electric Global Website – SUSTIE
*2.Assumes that the drive control system, hoisting machine or other component(s) have been upgraded to the latest model.
Initiatives at Inazawa Building Systems Works
Inazawa Building Systems Works is the mother factory for Mitsubishi elevators around the world. In addition to overseeing manufacturing matters and quality maintenance, we are also committed to environmental conservation. Here are some of our initiatives.
Reduction of wood use in packaging materials
We have developed a new container for shipping escalator parts in Japan. We have also expanded the use of returnable containers to reduce our use of wood.

For elevator parts destined for overseas markets, we are promoting the reduction of wood use by switching from conventional wooden packaging to recyclable cardboard packaging.

Rooftop greening
Greening the rooftops has provided heat shielding and the transpiration action of the plants help prevent increased temperature rises in the factory, leading to savings in cooling costs in the summer and contributing to carbon neutrality. As an added benefit, ducks fly in and lay eggs, and even hatch chicks. Other birds observed include grey-headed lapwings, Eurasian skylarks, wagtails, starlings, swallows and great blue herons.

Environmental audits
Our company and our affiliates inside and outside Japan combine the multiple types of environmental auditing shown below to check compliance with laws and regulations and the progress of environmental plans.
Internal auditing | Mutual auditing | Auditing of affiliated companies |
Auditing by the audit division |
Implementing body |
Mitsubishi Electric Building Solutions (MEBS)’ branch offices and works in Japan | Mitsubishi Electric’s works | MEBS | Mitsubishi Electric (head office audit division and environmental promotion division) |
Subject of audits | Other organizations within MEBS’ branch offices and works in Japan | MEBS’ works in Japan | Affiliated companies in Japan |
Affiliated companies inside and outside Japan |
Frequency | Once a year | Once a year | Once every two to three years |
Once every three years |
Certification & evaluation
We have obtained certifications related to environmental management at our manufacturing sites both inside and outside Japan.
ISO14001 certification
Mitsubishi Electric Building Solutions (Inazawa Building Systems Works, Domestic Business Group) |
Mitsubishi Electric de Colombia Ltda. | Guangdong Ryoden Lift & Escalator Co., Ltd. |
Ryoden Elevator Construction Ltd | COHECO S.A. | Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Co., Ltd. |
TOKAN Corporation co.,ltd | Mitsubishi Elevator Asia Co., Ltd. | Mitsubishi Electric shanghai Electric Elevator Co., Ltd. |
Mitsubishi Hitachi Home Elevator Corporation | MITSUBISHI ELEVATOR (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. | Taiwan Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd. |
Mitsubishi Elevator Europe B.V. | Mitsubishi Elevator (Thailand) Co,. Ltd. | Mitsubishi Elevator Korea Co., Ltd. |
Industria Limpia certification*
Internacional de Elevadores, S.A. de C.V. | Mitsubishi Electric de Mexico,S.A. de C.V. |
*Industria Limpia certification: Certification issued by Mexico's Federal Prosecutor's Office for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) to companies that comply with the law and have good environmental practices.
Acquired S class in the Business Operator Classification Evaluation System of the Energy Conservation Act*
All businesses that submit periodic reports under the Energy Conservation Act are classified. Even after becoming Mitsubishi Electric Building Solutions, we have continuously received S-class evaluations as a business achieving excellent energy conservation.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Agency for Natural Resources and Energy EnergyConservation Portal website (Japanese)
Reference: Classification Evaluation Results (S class)

*The Energy Conservation Act is formally known as the “Act on Rationalizing Energy use and Shifting to Non-fossil Energy.” Businesses of a certain size (those consuming more than 1,500 kiloliters of crude oil equivalent energy per year) are required to report regularly on the status of their energy use, review initiatives related to energy conservation and conversion to non-fossil energy and formulate plans.
External evaluation
As a member of the Mitsubishi Electric Group, our activities are also included in these evaluations.
Mitsubishi Electric Group updated its greenhouse gas emissions-reduction targets through 2030, which have been certified by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) for conformance with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C trajectory.
Mitsubishi Electric Unveils Short-term Environmental Plan and Updated SBTi-certified Targets in Line with 1.5-degree Centigrade Trajectory

Mitsubishi Electric received the highest "A List" ranking for Climate Change and Water Security activities by the international nonprofit CDP once again. The top ratings recognize the environmental focus of Mitsubishi Electric's commercial activities and goals as well as the company's timely and appropriate information disclosure. This was evaluated as Mitsubishi Electric Group, and the efforts of Mitsubishi Electric Building Solutions were also included in the scope of evaluation.
Mitsubishi Electric Again Named to CDP's Climate and Water "A List" for 6th Time

Ethics and compliance
Our company has declared ethics and compliance as one of Our Values, expressed as follows: “Ethics and Compliance – We act with high ethical standards and comply with laws and social norms.”
We adhere thoroughly to the Mitsubishi Electric Group Code of Conduct, which organizes and summarizes the laws, regulations, and social norms that each Mitsubishi Electric Group officer and employee must comply with and respect in executing company business and performing his/her duties. The Code of Conduct is a unified set of standards that cover not only compliance and human rights, but also a wide range of issues such as safety, quality, and personal information protection; it serves as a guideline for our day-to-day conduct.
Our initiatives
The Mitsubishi Electric Group regards thoroughgoing compliance as fundamental to a company’s continued existence and believes that compliance means acting with high ethical standards and complying with laws and social norms to live up to the trust given by customers, stakeholders, and society.
Our company and our affiliates in Japan have put in place a system to carry out proactive compliance activities by assigning compliance managers to each department, branch office, works, and company. In addition, we strive to foster awareness of compliance on a routine basis through e-learning programs, monthly compliance-related newsletter, and more.
For overseas affiliates, we share annual policies and distribute compliance newsletters, and conduct compliance hearings along with confirmation of export control and information security matters during visits by the legal and compliance departments.
Compliance Day
In honor of the Ministry of Justice's “Law Day,” we have designated October 1st as “Compliance Day.” The president delivers a message to convey the importance of thorough compliance and provide an opportunity to reevaluate whether compliance is being implemented ideally in the workplace.
The Mitsubishi Electric Group’s compliance motto is “Always Act with Integrity.” Integrity means the strong will and attitude to persist in doing the right thing and having character traits such as being fair, being honest, being sincere, taking responsibility for one's behavior and respecting others. We put this motto into practice through a variety of activities, and work together with our affiliates both inside Japan and overseas to further solidify our social value.
Human rights
Based on the Mitsubishi Electric Group Human Rights Policy, we respect the human rights of all people involved in our business activities and are conducting awareness-building initiatives related to harassment prevention, DE&I*1, the local environment, and product safety. In addition to establishing a dedicated desk for human rights consultation and creating a corporate environment in which it is easy to seek advice, we are also striving to create an open workplace climate with a culture of active communication in which everyone can work with vigor and enthusiasm.
Moreover, the Mitsubishi Electric Group is committed to human rights due diligence*2 as required by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Such due diligence is also exercised at our company and our affiliates in Japan and overseas.
- *1.DE&I: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- *2.Human rights due diligence is an ongoing process of identifying and assessing negative impacts on human rights, working to correct, prevent, and mitigate those impacts, tracking and evaluating those human rights initiatives, and disclosing information.
Information security
Information security incidents cause inconvenience to customers and damage social trust. We believe that cybersecurity is an issue of particular importance to protect the digital environment from cyberattacks and other threats.
At our company, we are proceeding with initiatives based on the Mitsubishi Electric Declaration of Confidential Corporate Information Security Management, and the Personal Information Protection Policy.
We have established our own Information Security Management Organizational System under the responsibility and direction of the President & CEO and carry out information security measures through compliance managers and implementation personnel placed in each department. In addition to conducting regular inspections based on Mitsubishi Electric Group guidelines, we are also focusing on education through e-learning programs, practice drills for dealing with suspicious emails, and training to raise awareness so that each employee can adequately implement safety management measures.
Our affiliated companies in Japan and overseas have also set up Information Security Management Organizational System and are implementing Mitsubishi Electric Group measures. Regular inspections are conducted by the legal/compliance departments and the information systems department.
Furthermore, our company has established a PSIRT (Product Security Incident Response Team) to implement various product security measures (preventing vulnerabilities before product delivery, and handling vulnerabilities after delivery). This system ensures that our customers can use our products with confidence and peace of mind.
Mitsubishi Electric Global Website – Sustainability Report
Supply chain
The Mitsubishi Electric Group carries out procurement activities based on its Procurement Policy and its CSR Procurement Policy (Sustainability Procurement Policy)
. We minimize risks in the supply chain by explaining these policies to potential business partners and gaining their understanding, and by appropriately evaluating business partners based on the Business Partner Selection Evaluation Criteria established by the Mitsubishi Electric Group. These criteria include not only quality, price, delivery time, and service, but also the partner’s efforts to comply with environmental regulations as well as their sustainability activities. To further strengthen our initiatives, in February 2022 we joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), an industry coalition that promotes corporate social responsibility in global supply chains.
As a member of the Mitsubishi Electric Group, we aim to be a company that earns the trust of society by:
- 1.Aligning RBA's Code of Conduct with existing initiatives,
- 2.Continuously improving our sustainability management, and
- 3.Requesting and supporting improvements by our suppliers.
Initiatives for SDGs

The Mitsubishi Electric Group places great value on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)*1 as important benchmarks and has communicated that as a Group it will contribute to achieving the 17 goals of the SDGs through all of its corporate activities.
Mitsubishi Electric Building Solutions is a member of the Mitsubishi Electric Group, so we also support aiming to achieve the SDGs and are working to realize a sustainable society through our products and services, as well as through the daily actions of each employee.
*1.In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 goals to be achieved by 2030. The initiative consists of 17 goals and 169 targets to realize a sustainable world, and pledges to "leave no one behind" in the process.
Business initiatives to realize SDGs
The safety and security of our customers is always our top priority. And we will also simultaneously strive to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the various solutions we provide.
Our particular area of emphasis is social issues such as safe, secure, comfortable, and sustainable urban development and climate change, so we are focusing on five SDGs. Our focus is leading us to pursue the development of products and solutions that are more friendly to people and the environment, and the realization of tomorrow’s smart buildings*2 and smart cities*3.
- *2.Building where people can feel safe and worry-free, a workplace where they can work efficiently, and an environment where they feel comfortable knowing that the building is helping save labor and energy because of the use of various data related to building usage collected using IoT technology.
- *3.Cities with optimized urban infrastructure and facility management operations as well as increased convenience and comfort for businesses and consumers. AI is used to analyze big data generated from facilities, the environment, and consumer behavior data in order to remotely control facilities and equipment.